Yield: Entree 3-4 servings

           Slices: approximately 12






2 pounds skinless pork belly



Dry Rub


1 teaspoon black pepper


1 teaspoon paprika,


½ teaspoon cayenne pepper,


1 tablespoon light brown sugar


1 teaspoon pickling salt (without iodine)


¼ teaspoon ground mustard





1 teaspoon pressed or grated garlic


12 ounces smoky Porter beer


¼ cup apple cider reduction, raw honey, or maple syrup (as preferred)





  1. Mix rub in a bowl.
  2. Stir with a fork until thoroughly combined. Reserve.
  3. Shallowly score the fat side of the pork belly by cutting diagonally from one corner of the length of the pork belly across the fat in one direction and then turning the pork belly and diagonally cutting across the fat to form a diamond pattern. The objective is to cut through the fat but not into the meat.
  4. Apply rub to all sides of the pork belly. Rub in.
  5. Place on a plate and put in icebox overnight.
  6. Preheat oven to 450°F.
  7. Place pork belly in ovenproof casserole, fat side up.
  8. Roast pork belly for 20 minutes.
  9. Reduce heat to 275° F.
  10. Add beer, apple cider reduction and garlic to the bottom of roasting pan.
  11. Roast 90 minutes (45 minutes per pound*). Juices should run clear when the pork is poked. The  internal temperature should be 165° F.
  12. Remove pork from oven when done.
  13. Allow to cool to room temperature in sauce.
  14. Remove pork belly from sauce and place in a covered container in the icebox overnight.
  15. Place sauce in bowl, cover, and place in icebox overnight.
  16. Remove sauce from icebox and remove the congealed fat on top. Sauce can be used hot or cold.


  • Tender: Remove pork belly from ice box and slice ¼” thick and as long as required to fit the type of use.
  • Crisp: Remove pork belly from icebox and slice ¼” thick. Heat a cast iron skillet. When hot, add slices and brown on both sides until crisp.



  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Place pork belly in an ovenproof casserole. Tent with foil.
  3. Place in oven. Heat for 20 minutes or until heated through, which will depend on the thickness of the pork belly.
  4. Remove pork belly from oven. Cut into 1 ½” squares.
  5. Plate and serve with heated sauce on the side.


Suggested uses:

  • Sandwiches (the sauce is excellent for dipping, hot or cold)
  • Soups
  • Salads
  • Garnishes (diced)