Servings: 1 (4-5 quail eggs are roughly equivalent to a large chicken egg). Prepare individual servings so that they can be served immediately.
Note: Prepare any sides before frying the eggs. They should be served hot and fresh from the skillet.
4-5 medium-sized quail eggs
1 tablespoon butter or grapeseed oil
Suggested Garnishes:
Fresh rosemary, chopped
Fresh basil, chiffonade
Thyme, small whole leaves
!/2 teaspoon grated Parmesan or Romano cheese
Salt and pepper per personal preference
Keep eggs cold until ready to fry.
Use a paring knife to make a small incision in the middle of an egg held with the thick bottom down and the narrower end upright. Gently insert just the very tip of the knife into the incision and continue to cut with the serrated edge of the knife around the shell until the egg opens easily. Keep the cuts shallow as one does not wish to pierce the yolk.
Place the contents of each egg in its own small bowl.
Heat a skillet over medium-low heat.
When hot, add butter.
When the butter has melted and begins to bubble, rotate the skillet to make sure the bottom is covered by the butter, then slide each egg into the skillet in a clock-wise pattern, leaving space between each egg. They should not touch.
Fry each egg until the egg whites are opaque. This only takes about a minute, so work quickly. If desired, butter or oil can be spooned over whites to hasten the top cooking. (It can also be spooned over the yolks for basted eggs.).
Plate them from the pan, starting with the first one you placed into the pan.
Sprinkle with any desired garnish(es).
Serve immediately.