“Gun Duel”

Season:      4 episode 12
Series Episode: 104
Air Date: December 25, 1962
Laramie TV series starring John Smith, Robert Fuller, Spring Byington and Dennis Holmes
A Revue Studios prouction



Mort’s nephew discovers that there is more to being a lawman than just putting on a star.


Cast & Crew Lists




DirectorThomas Carr
TeleplayAlbert Aley
StoryJohn Champion
ProducerJohn Champion
Assistant to ProducerRod Peterson
Laramie ThemeCyril Mockridge
Music ScoreRichard Shores
Director of PhotographyRay Rennahan, A. S. C.
Associate ProducerDan Ullman
Art DirectorRussell Kimball
Editorial Dept. Head/SupervisorDavid J. O'Connell
Editorial Color ConsultantAlex Quiroga
Color Processing byConsolidated Film Industries
Film EditorRay C. de Vally, A. C. E.
Musical SupervisionStanley Wilson
SoundEarl Crain, Jr.
Makeup ArtistJack Barron
Hair StylistFlorence Bush
Costume & WardrobeVincent Dee
Series Stuntmen (uncredited)Paul Baxley, Joe Canutt. Bill Catching, Chuck Courtney, John Daheim, Leonard P. Geer, Sol Gorss, Hemet, Charles Horvath, Robert F. Hoy, Loren Janes, Allen Pinson, Chuck Roberson, Ronnie Rondell Jr., Dean Smith, Tom Steele, Jerry Summers, Jack Williams
Note: Robert Fuller often performed his own stunts in the series.
Assistant DirectorEdward K. Dodds
Set DecorationJohn McCarthy & Ralph Sylos



Epilogue – based on the teleplay “Gun Duel,” a by Albert Aley and story by John C. Champion


(MORT CORY and JESS HARPER come out of the Laramie sheriff’s office and go over to the bulletin board. Mort takes down a wanted poster.)


JESS HARPER: Well, I guess that about clears it up, Mort. Outside of our new boarders, there wasn’t too much trouble.


MORT CORY: They gave you enough for one weekend. Sure hope the sheriff in Casper picks them up real soon. I’d rather had the parson for company.


JESS HARPER: (Fishes in his vest pocket and pulls out a deputy’s badge) Oh, ah, Johnny asked me to give you this. (Hands MORT CORY the deputy badge.) Ah, he said he doesn’t feel the job suited him.


MORT CORY: Just as well. There wasn’t any job for him in Cedar Bend anyway.


JESS HARPER: To tell ya the truth, Mort. I think he’ll be lookin’ for different employment.


(Suddenly, a fight erupts through the doors of the saloon. THREE MEN and the PARSON tumble out into the street. The PARSON decks the first man. The SECOND MAN grabs the PARSON from behind.)


PARSON: You-You Philestine. Thou shalt repent.


(THE THIRD MAN goes to hit the PARSON, who kicks him instead, while tossing the SECOND MAN over his shoulder.)


MORT CORY: Aw, no! Not again.


JESS HARPER: (Claps MORT CORY on the back) Glad to have ya back, Mort, (Walks away, quickly)


Geographic References

Casper, Wyoming Territory, United States of America

Cedar Bend, Oregon, United States of America

Gorman Bluff, Wyoming Territory, United States of America

Laramie, Wyoming Territory, United States of America



Chicken and dumplings

Mashed potatoes



Sources: Laramie episodes (written, spoken and credits), Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Wikipedia, individual observations, and others as indicated by the links.

Note: Give credit where credit is due. Suggestions for corrections, additions and deletions are welcome through the Dispatch Rider. Please provide information and the grounds on which the claim is based.