“The Goose-Drownder”
Season: 3 episode 14
Series Episode: 67
Air Date: December 13, 1959
Maverick TV series starring James Garner and Jack Kelly
A Warner Bros. production
The stage stop is knee-deep in outlaws and killers.
Cast & Crew Lists
Character Role Actor Actor Age Status
Bart Maverick Gambler / Con artist Jack Kelly 32 Credited
"Gentleman" Jack Darby Gambler / Con man Richard Long 31 Credited
Boone Gillis Last man in a ghost town Will Wright 65 Credited
Thomas Jefferson "Red" Herring Wells Fargo agent (a.k.a. a salesman for the Alpha and Omega Linen Company of Omaha) Robert Nichols 35 Credited
Hurley Man with a top hat / Second in command in the gang Clarke Alexander 40 Credited
Latimer Part of the gang / Driving the stagecoach Billy M. Green 72 Credited
Stella Legendre Sarasota Springs hotel manager Fay Spain 27 Credited
Rance "The Arapaho Kid" OutlawRobert Nichols H. M. Wynant 32 Credited
Luke Rogers Stagecoach driver Joe Walls 43 Uncredited
Announcer Ed Reimers 57 Uncredited
Ama Deramus Doctor in Carson City Mentioned
Legendre Stella's father Mentioned
Jenny Lind Norwegian singer Mentioned
Payroll clerk for the Chowderhead Mine Mentioned
Stella Legendre's 9 brothers Mentioned
Stella Legendre's cousin in the Dakota Territory with a passel of kids Mentioned
Arapaho Chief's daughter / Mother of the "Arapaho Kid" Mentioned
Man who left Stella on a stage Mentioned
Owner of a dry goods store in Abeline Mentioned
Director Arthur Lubin
Assistant Director Henry Spitz
Developed by
Roy Huggins (uncredited)
Writer Leonard Praskins
Executive Producer
Wm. (William) T. Orr
Coles Trapnell
Director of Photography
Herold (E.) Stine, A.S.C.
Art Director
John Ewing
Supervising Film Editor
James Moore
Film Editor
George (J.) Eppich
Production Manager
Oren W. Haglund
Sound Harold Hanks
Set Decorator
Edward M. Parker
Makeup Supervisor Gordon Bau, S.M.A.
Composer: Original Theme David Buttolph (uncredited)
Original Theme Lyrics Paul Francis Weber
Music Supervisors Paul Sawtell / Bert Shefter
Music Editor Theo ("Ted") W. Sebern
Stock Music Composer Max Steiner (uncredited)
Musician: Harmonica Tommy Morgan (uncredited)
Production Company
Warner Bros. Television
Distribution Company
American Broadcasting Company (ABC)
Dialogue/Figurative Language/Literary References/Quotes
“Gentleman Jack” Darby: … a red herring is something used to confuse or divert attention from something else.
Boone Gillis: Rain’s still coming down wholesale. Reckon the good Lord is overstocked. We don’t get rain these parts ‘cept once in five years. Then we get us a real goose-drownder like this one, sorta to make up for lost time.
Boone Gillis: You fellas must be pretty much up against it for something to do…gambling to whomp each other.
Gentleman Jack” Darby: It is undoubtedly the second deluge. What we three wet Noah’s should be doing is gathering the animals two by two and bringing them to the dubious shelter of this leaky ark… I suggest you collect the snakes, Maverick, wouldn’t you say that’s more your line.
Bart Maverick: I’ve already started rounding up the lower order of varmints… One skunk so far.
A reference to Genesis 6-9, The Bible, KJV
Rance: None of you painted cats are any good.
Notable Mentions
Jenny Lind
[Edwin Thomas] Booth’s Hamlet
[William] McCready’s Richard the Third
Geographic References
Carson City, Nevada, United States of America
Dallas, Texas, United States of America
Silverado, Nevada, United States of America
Tonopah, Nevada, United States of America
Silveropolis, Utah, United States of America (pg. 244 of Articles from Utah Historical Quarterly, Volume 47, Number 3, 1979, page 22 of the on-line exhibit.)
The Games People Play
5-Card Draw Poker
High Card
Sources: Maverick episodes (written, spoken and credits), Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Wikipedia, individual observations, and others as indicated by the links.
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